Sunday, February 3, 2008


Intrestingly I've found a cummunitiy based client space sim. in dev.
Unlike most projects without company backing this one looks likly to sucseed.
Not only that it's a very abmitious project (something most devolopment compainies would never be) a nearly infinite proceduraly generated world, seamless movement between atmosphere and orbit, control of muiltiple ships.
Naturaly I'll be supporting this emerging game and will be posting iregular updates on it.

Edit: I forgot to post a link so here it is

About Me

Well I'm about 17(19 now) and would like to become ethier a Sci-Fi writer or a game designer, what I am more likely to become is an annoyed, forgotten convience store cleric who occasionaly tries to publish a book. Oh and I'm also a bit of a cynic