Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We are Broken

A short poem I scribbled.

Ancient and insurmountable we stood tall.
But we are broken, one by one we fall.
We have survived through nature's might.
We have risen after fire's flight.
But we are broken.

That which strode boldly about our roots,
creatures majestic, can no longer taste our fruits.
We have watched life grow and learn.
We have watched life twist and turn.
But we are broken.

Across continents we spanned, shoulder to shoulder.

Now in your hearths we smolder.
To the earth we tumble, our wood you take.
For nothing more than your own greedy sake.
But we are broken.

The grinding sound of diesel powered death.
echoes among us and one by one we fall

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About Me

Well I'm about 17(19 now) and would like to become ethier a Sci-Fi writer or a game designer, what I am more likely to become is an annoyed, forgotten convience store cleric who occasionaly tries to publish a book. Oh and I'm also a bit of a cynic