Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We are Broken

A short poem I scribbled.

Ancient and insurmountable we stood tall.
But we are broken, one by one we fall.
We have survived through nature's might.
We have risen after fire's flight.
But we are broken.

That which strode boldly about our roots,
creatures majestic, can no longer taste our fruits.
We have watched life grow and learn.
We have watched life twist and turn.
But we are broken.

Across continents we spanned, shoulder to shoulder.

Now in your hearths we smolder.
To the earth we tumble, our wood you take.
For nothing more than your own greedy sake.
But we are broken.

The grinding sound of diesel powered death.
echoes among us and one by one we fall

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

War, Violence, Geoncide

How much do you know about the word around you?
What forces drive our universe of laws and our society of regulations?
How much do you really know about the world you experience everyday?

Human perception is flawed, we look at the world in light of right and wrong, good and evil.
But right and wrong only exist in our minds.
Yet every group of human beings that form quickly establishes what should be done and shouldn't be done, right and wrong.
It is instinctual, it allows us to exist as a group and without it there would be no human civilisation.
Our every every goal is ruled by instincts, how we achieve those goals is up to our rational mind.
Nothing we have every wanted has not been a result of our instincts.
My point in short is that right and wrong are figments of our imagination and we are ruled by our instincts.

I wonder do you realise the true effects of the things I have mentioned in the title?
Death, misery, and suffering are undeniable consequences of war.
But people see it in light of right and wrong, I will not hesitate to say I believe that without war the human race would be extinct.
It's all because of something called the gene pool.
When talking about genetics strength does not mean muscle power but ability to survive.
The more people who have strong genes in a society the stronger the gene pool.
War, murder and genocide is essential for removing weaker genes from the gene and keeps the gene pool stable.
Without them our species wouldn't progress, wouldn't properly evolve.
This is why we have these, this is why we are instictivly violent.
Evoltion is mercless natural process with no sense of wrong.

Can you imagine a world without violence?
I can and I can see mankind's civilisation crumbling.
I probaly seem pro war in this post, I am in fact a pacefist (that means to me at least that I won't enage in a violent act unless it is the only option to protect someone else from harm)
Reading this you're probaly muttering to yourself about what a fool I am and violence only causes suffering and without it humanity would be great and glorious.
If that is the cause I don't realy feel like tring to convince you further.
Good luck in your life were you without even realisng it are causeing famine and suffering on the other side of the world.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's Human Nature

It's strange that when we need or want something we quickly become bored of it and desire more if we ever get it.

Simply put this means no material good will ever sate your desire for material goods so happiness cannot come from material goods.

I know this and can discuss it but in nearly the same breath can start discussing computer games and computer consoles.

Why?, the answer is simple I am human, subject to all our insticts, all our compulsions and all our emotions.
And the point behind this post?
No point just motiveless typing.

Monday, January 15, 2007

If you're actualy reading this would you mind posting a comment so I know someone has read this blog. In the mean time look at this. It's an animated file but I don't think it'll play. It's completely pointless but I've nothing else to do.

Monday, January 8, 2007

The Hunter

Now a little latter than I promised my story, I hope my loyal legions of fans can contain themselves.
Since I have no fans and no one has even read my blog yet I think my lateness is something nobody's going to care about.
I do care however about the the button labeled E on my keyboard.
I mean you treat your keyboard well, always gentil till suddenly it comes round and suddenly stops working.
Enough about my keyboard and on to the short story, but be aware I have to press the E button five times to get it to registar I've pressed it.
So on top of usaul bad spelling I might occasionaly leave out an e.

The Branches slice the moonlight into thin shafts that shine on the ground in broken fragments.
The trees and the bushes shift and shake as a cool night breeze wistles through them.
A mere instant passes and they are still again.
Slience bleak and total soon desends on the still forest.
Yet eyes are watching the motionless shapes that wait unmoving in the silent forest.
The sound of a snapping twig echeos around the twisted shapes of the trees.
Suddenly a black shadow bounds from the bushes.
It's feet thundering against the forest floor.
It's body smashing through branches and bushes.
Crashing, creaking, cracking branches smash the erie silence.
The sounds of pursuit rapidly draw nearer.
Exhastion, exeretion...despairation, emotions and feelings course through the prey.
The deer erupts from the bushes as it dashes into the clearing.
Jet black like the deepest shadows the wolves stand waiting the deer already in their trap.
The paniced deer turns to run but more wolves lesurely stride from the forest from which emerged.
A shadow obscures the moon for an instant.
With unnatural speed the wolves are on the deer, tearing, cutting, bitting.

The fire lingers still growing faint as it grows late.
Images of a dream linger also.
A check of my bow, a check of my quiver shows the effect this dream.
The final sights of the deer fill my vision, red eyes darker then blood with an unsateable hunger.
In the night wolves howl to the moon and red eyes watch.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Why I wonder are you reading this blog?

I didn't think anyone would ever read this thing congratulations on being the first or is it the second, maybe the third. I have no way of knowing. Tomorrow I think I'll post one of my stories if I'm able I probably won't have time. Funny I'm apprehsive towards showing any thing I write to my friends and family yet I'm not bothered about uploading on to the internet for total strangers to read and critise at will. Not that I think any will.

My first post

My first post on my first blog. How does this make me feel, well sort of like wait for something to happen like the delivery guy to arrive or the clock to strike twelve. That's because I'm sitting here... bored... nothing to do... and an age to wait before any thing happens in this sleepy little village. Not that I'd go out and join in if something was happening simply because I'm the kind of person who complains about having nothing to do but wouldn't do anything any way.

About Me

Well I'm about 17(19 now) and would like to become ethier a Sci-Fi writer or a game designer, what I am more likely to become is an annoyed, forgotten convience store cleric who occasionaly tries to publish a book. Oh and I'm also a bit of a cynic