Tuesday, September 18, 2007

War, Violence, Geoncide

How much do you know about the word around you?
What forces drive our universe of laws and our society of regulations?
How much do you really know about the world you experience everyday?

Human perception is flawed, we look at the world in light of right and wrong, good and evil.
But right and wrong only exist in our minds.
Yet every group of human beings that form quickly establishes what should be done and shouldn't be done, right and wrong.
It is instinctual, it allows us to exist as a group and without it there would be no human civilisation.
Our every every goal is ruled by instincts, how we achieve those goals is up to our rational mind.
Nothing we have every wanted has not been a result of our instincts.
My point in short is that right and wrong are figments of our imagination and we are ruled by our instincts.

I wonder do you realise the true effects of the things I have mentioned in the title?
Death, misery, and suffering are undeniable consequences of war.
But people see it in light of right and wrong, I will not hesitate to say I believe that without war the human race would be extinct.
It's all because of something called the gene pool.
When talking about genetics strength does not mean muscle power but ability to survive.
The more people who have strong genes in a society the stronger the gene pool.
War, murder and genocide is essential for removing weaker genes from the gene and keeps the gene pool stable.
Without them our species wouldn't progress, wouldn't properly evolve.
This is why we have these, this is why we are instictivly violent.
Evoltion is mercless natural process with no sense of wrong.

Can you imagine a world without violence?
I can and I can see mankind's civilisation crumbling.
I probaly seem pro war in this post, I am in fact a pacefist (that means to me at least that I won't enage in a violent act unless it is the only option to protect someone else from harm)
Reading this you're probaly muttering to yourself about what a fool I am and violence only causes suffering and without it humanity would be great and glorious.
If that is the cause I don't realy feel like tring to convince you further.
Good luck in your life were you without even realisng it are causeing famine and suffering on the other side of the world.


Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Jerick said...

Thanks, (I can't belevie it took a whole year to respond to this)

About Me

Well I'm about 17(19 now) and would like to become ethier a Sci-Fi writer or a game designer, what I am more likely to become is an annoyed, forgotten convience store cleric who occasionaly tries to publish a book. Oh and I'm also a bit of a cynic